Friday, May 1, 2009

Didier Grossemy - 10 Ways to thrive during a slowing economy!

10 Ways to thrive during a slowing economy!

Didier Grossemy says that according to a report from The ClickZ Network, Nov 7, 2008, the company predicts interactive media spending will rise 7.2 percent next year as offline media spending falls 1.4 percent.1. Start from the beginningMake sure that your brand talks to your clients and maybe it’s a good time to make a change.

Didier Grossemy propose to Re-launch your business, show the world that you are not worried and business is booming. Positivity must be expressed to drive positive actions this is the law of attraction at the best.

Didier Grossemy says that it is maybe time for refreshing your brand will give you a good excuse to talk to all your existing clients but also will allow you to reflect on your communication and core message.

Two critical points to think of: Is our brand adapted to our target market? Is our core message exciting to our existing and prospective customers? In a simple term, for a very small cost you can dramatically use the down turn to revive and work your brand harder.

Didier Grossemy that it is time to cut your costs and improve your resultsYou have the choice to send 10,000 postcards or letters that you won’t even know if the recipients have read them for $1.50 each ($15,000 of admin, creative, print, postage) or send 10,000 emails for $100 and get instant analytics and results.

Yes it is time for you to start re-assessing. So don’t stop marketing! Just spend your money wisely by using digital communications. Don't get caught up in the negative media hype, stay focused and be smart about it…

Didier Grossemy also suggest that making your website a real tool Create interactivity with your clients, web 2.0 is all about engaging.Use a “silo” marketing approach and create additional landing pages specific to each of your products or offers so that readers landing on your pages (landing page) are not confused by the array of other products or services on your site.

Keeping your visitors focus on your page will increase dramatically your conversion rate.It is the perfect time to implement the right tools such as an online training centre or online academy for your clients and your staff. Differentiate yourself with appealing products and services linked to a registration form. (Don’t forget the incentive).

Make sure that your website is up to date and has exciting relevant content to your audience; use your content management system to optimise your Meta tags and key word density within your web pages so the organic searches can find your specific product or services.

Didier Grossemy encourage you to generate more communication and more presence Online strategies are the perfect vehicle for communicating with customers and generating additional purchases. Combine communications using emails, social networking optimisation, blogs, emails and websites to keep on growing your business.

Keep talking to as many customers as you can with your blogs, social networking sites and emails while your website becomes the tool to manage leads through smart incentives and data capture pages.

It is not rocket science but it needs to be done. Businesses that adapt to changing times and offer products and services further suited to the changing spending habits and needs of their clients will not only survive but many will flourish!5. Target – Target - TargetOnline database management provides you superior targeting ability. Why send a letter to someone who does not care about your product or service? Using an online communication strategy will accelerate the trend toward the use of behavioural targeting. With average conversion rates hovering around 1.5%, this is an ideal way to reach the other 98.5% that have taken the time to visit your site but haven’t yet converted. So keep communicating. I often use the metaphor of a TV station, once you on air you must stay on air.

Didier Grossemy says that measuring and tracking will survive online marketing of all types offers greater measurability while allowing you to track behaviours in comparison to traditional media advertising. Do you know who has read your advert in the newspaper or magazine? No chance. This is of course due to the awesome technology, where every mouse click is tracked, usually anonymously. Use this data to understand how much each lead and sale costs you. Everything on the web is measurable, not like printing…

7. Build your distribution networkTalk to other businesses, yes that’s right you remember the old tool called the telephone…it’s still works to build relationship.

Call businesses and start cross promoting your services, develop a referral program and even a joint event like “La Dolce Vita” with an associated business targeting the same customers and share the costs and the rewards!

8. Convert and manage sales efficientlyDuring tough times you cannot afford to lose leads and clients, make sure you are using an appropriate customer relationship management (CRM) tool, so you always stay on top of it.

Focus on increasing your conversion not just the number of new leads or enquiries. Work your client’s base it is 75% easier to convert an existing client to a new sale than pitching to a new one.
Do some research on unconverted leads to find out why they aren't buying from you? Create an online e-learning centre for your staff and your clients. Providing education is a great way to build brand advocacy.

Didier Grossemy encourage you to listen to your customers and the marketSend a simple survey to all your clients with a great incentive (never forget the incentive). Read all media, books and relevant business articles to keep you thinking about your business and how you must adapt. If you keep learning through customer feedback and constantly thinking about how you can improve your offering you will only continue to grow your business.

Didier Grossemy says to forget about the world economy and all media hypeJournalist rarely delivers good news; they exploit the human nature which is constantly craving for sensationalism. Remember the James Bond movie “Tomorrow Never Dies” where Elliot Carver said “there is no news likes bad news”, well yes it was a movie but…

Think about it, it’s easier for the media to sell newspaper or advertising if the Headline says “The World Economy has Crashed” than saying the “The World Economy is Great”.
The media always exploit negativity to build their own fortune. Stay focused on your business and keep doing what you do best or better improve everything you are doing.

It’s a great time to reflect and re-invent yourself to become more efficient and driving your business as hard as possible.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Didier Grossemy - Are you talking to mum?

Are you talking to mum?
Some of the major brands have educated children to their products from the very young age, and I don’t think I need to give you any examples of those brands.
They know very well that parents will have no choice but to comply with their wants and later the same children becoming parents will do exactly the same. Yeah! Very smart and we all fall for it.
Today the digital age is not any longer just driven from children looking at games or business people searching the next opportunity but from mums around the world.
Time poor, they are the prime consumers on the internet, as we know mums are “Jack of all trade”; taking the children to schools, buying and preparing food, going to work, looking after her hubby, clothe ironing, cleaning and … should I go any further to say that women these days are overly busy. So this brings me to what I have preached for fifteen years, the Internet not only save you money and save the trees but revolutionise your time management.
According to the “Moms In Business Network” mums purchasing power accounts for nearly $1.6 trillion in annual spending and is equal to Great Britain's 2007 total purchasing power. “EMarketer” forecasts that moms will account for 39.6 million of the online audience by 2012. Further, women make 80 percent of the household purchases and commonly buy for three or more people. With this much influence over consumer purchases, the ability to effectively market to and harness this purchasing segment has a huge impact on brands' bottom line.
Brands must take a step forward in creativity to engage with this already dominant market.
So what sort of creativity is required to engage?
I believe that the most important is to create a platform that opens conversation. If you are a manufacturer of nappies, you may want to create a “Baby Club” that will have some great subjects to help busy mums and allowing them to share their own problems while in the same time you may want to add a shopping cart so busy mums can purchase the products of the same companies while enjoying a conversation with new found friends.
Like in real life people engage at the Café by exchanging conversation around a drink. You must create a social environment that triggers the input of the viewers and in term bring more people to the brand through smart referral functionalities.
Brand association, social marketing and e-commerce functionalities are a powerful mix for busy mums.